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Will We Fish in 2020? COVID19

This is the question that I think is in the minds of all fishermen.

The beginning of COVID19 …

In December 2019 we were surprised by the news that a virus, the famous Coronavirus, had appeared in a city in China called wuhan.

But with the astonishment of the whole world, in just a few months it has spread worldwide.

Forcing countries around the world to take important measures against this pandemic.

And the COVID19 arrived in Spain …

In mid-March we are surprised by the news that Spain activates the state of alarm by COVID19.

We all had our equipment ready to go out to the river, the river fishing start date was set, and suddenly …

A few days before being able to kill the bug, the Government of Spain toughens the Alarm State and leaves us all at home.

And this entails the postponement of the fishing season until further notice.

But will we fish in 2020?

This is the question we would all like to know the answer to.

The most optimistic say that we will be in the rivers at the end of April and others that until July we will not wet the hooks.

We remain somewhere in between, neither optimistic nor pessimistic.

We believe that in April we are not going to fish, but that for May we will surely be able to go fishing.

Meanwhile the best we can do is abide by the rules so that this improves as soon as possible.

What do you think about when we will fish this 2020?

You can leave us a Comment or Comment in the post of the Social Network that you saw, we are interested in your opinion.

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